Unraveling the Cost and Process of Hair Transplant Surgery: A Comprehensive Guide

Hair transplant surgery is a popular solution for individuals experiencing hair loss, as it involves the transfer of healthy hair follicles from one part of the scalp to another. In this guide, we will delve into the cost and process of hair transplant surgery, providing a comprehensive overview for those considering this procedure.


The Cost of Hair Transplant Surgery


The cost of hair transplant surgery can vary widely depending on several factors, such as the number of grafts required, the experience and qualifications of the surgeon, and the location of the clinic.

The number of grafts required will be determined by the extent of hair loss and the desired level of density. A typical hair transplant procedure involves between 1,500 and 4,000 grafts, with each graft containing one to four hairs. The more grafts required, the higher the cost of the procedure.

The experience and qualifications of the surgeon are also important factors in determining the cost of hair transplant surgery. More experienced and highly qualified surgeons may charge higher fees due to their expertise and reputation in the field.

Finally, the location of the clinic can also impact the cost of hair transplant surgery. Clinics located in major metropolitan areas or popular tourist destinations may charge higher fees due to higher overhead costs and demand for their services.


The Process of Hair Transplant Surgery

Hair transplant surgery involves several steps that are carried out under local anesthesia:

  1. Consultation: The first step in the process is a consultation with a qualified hair transplant surgeon. During this consultation, the surgeon will assess the extent of hair loss, determine the number of grafts required, and discuss any potential risks or complications associated with the procedure.
  2. Preparation: Prior to the procedure, the patient's scalp will be thoroughly cleaned and prepared for surgery. This may involve shaving off any existing hair in the donor area (the area from which healthy hair follicles will be harvested) to ensure a clean surface for harvesting.
  3. Harvesting: The healthy hair follicles will be harvested from the donor area using a specialized tool called a punch biopsy instrument or a strip excision method. The punch biopsy instrument removes individual follicles one at a time, while the strip excision method removes a narrow strip of skin from which multiple follicles can be harvested at once.
  4. Preparation of Recipient Area: The recipient area (the area where healthy hair follicles will be transferred) will be prepared by making small incisions using a specialized needle called a recipient site maker. These incisions are made at an angle that mimics natural hair growth patterns to ensure a natural-looking result.
  5. Transplantation: The harvested follicles are then transferred to the recipient area using a specialized tool called an implanter or forceps. The implanter is used to create small pockets in which to place each follicle, while forceps are used to place larger clusters of follicles (known as grafts) into these pockets.
  6. Post-Operative Care: After the procedure is complete, patients will be provided with detailed instructions on how to care for their scalp during recovery. This may include avoiding strenuous activity or contact sports for several weeks, avoiding smoking or drinking alcohol for at least 24 hours after surgery, and keeping their head elevated to minimize swelling. Patients may also be prescribed pain medication or antibiotics to manage any discomfort or infection that may arise during recovery.


Hair transplant surgery is an effective solution for individuals experiencing hair loss, but it is important to understand both the cost and process involved before making a decision to proceed with this procedure. By working with a qualified and experienced surgeon and following proper post-operative care instructions, patients can achieve natural-looking results that boost their confidence and self-esteem.

Unlocking the Secrets of Hair Transplant Surgery: A Comprehensive Guid

hair transplant surgery

Hair loss is a common problem that affects millions of people worldwide, and it can have a significant impact on an individual's self-esteem and confidence. While there are several treatments available for hair loss, hair transplant surgery has emerged as a popular and effective solution for many people. In this blog post, we will delve into the intricacies of hair transplant surgery, exploring the different techniques, benefits, risks, and aftercare involved.

Hair transplant surgery involves transferring hair follicles from one part of the body (usually the back of the head) to another part where hair is thinning or balding. The procedure is typically performed under local anesthesia and can take anywhere from 4 to 8 hours, depending on the size of the area being treated.

There are two main techniques used in hair transplant surgery: Follicular Unit Transplant (FUT) and Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE). FUT involves removing a strip of skin from the back of the head and then separating it into individual follicles. FUE, on the other hand, involves removing individual follicles directly from the scalp using a specialized tool.

FUT has been around for several decades and is still widely used today. It is a more invasive procedure than FUE, as it involves making a large incision in the scalp to remove the strip of skin. However, it can be more cost-effective than FUE because it allows for a larger number of follicles to be harvested at once.

FUE, on the other hand, is a newer technique that has gained popularity in recent years due to its minimally invasive nature. It involves using a specialized tool called a punch to extract individual follicles directly from the scalp. This technique allows for greater precision and flexibility in terms of where the follicles are harvested from, as well as fewer visible scars compared to FUT.

One of the primary benefits of hair transplant surgery is that it can provide a permanent solution to hair loss. Once the follicles are transplanted into the new area, they will continue to grow just as they would in their original location. This means that patients can enjoy long-lasting results without having to undergo repeat treatments or use medications indefinitely.

Another benefit of hair transplant surgery is that it can be customized to meet each patient's unique needs and preferences. The surgeon can work with the patient to determine the best technique and approach based on factors such as the extent of hair loss, the desired density and texture of the new hair, and any other relevant medical or cosmetic considerations.

However, there are also some risks associated with hair transplant surgery that patients should be aware of before making a decision. These risks include infection, bleeding, scarring, and damage to existing hair follicles during the harvesting process. It's important for patients to choose a qualified and experienced surgeon who can minimize these risks through proper technique and aftercare instructions.

Aftercare is an essential part of the hair transplant process, as it can greatly impact the final results and overall success of the procedure. Patients will need to follow a strict set of instructions provided by their surgeon in order to promote healing and minimize complications. This may include avoiding certain activities or medications, keeping the treated area clean and dry, and taking prescribed medications as directed.

In conclusion, hair transplant surgery is a complex but highly effective solution for individuals experiencing hair loss. With advances in technology and technique over time, both FUT and FUE offer patients customized solutions that cater to their unique needs and preferences. While there are some risks associated with this procedure, these can be minimized through proper technique and aftercare instructions provided by a qualified surgeon. As with any medical procedure, it's important for patients to weigh the potential benefits against any potential risks before making a decision about whether hair transplant surgery is right for them.

📞 Contact us today to schedule a consultation with our hair transplant surgeon and take the first step towards restoring your confidence.
Our New Address: 4 Aradhana Enclave, R K Puram, Sector 13, New Delhi (India)

Three Benefits of FUE Hair Transplant Treatment

#hairtransplant, #hairrestoration, #hairloss, #baldness, #scalpreductionsurgery, #FUE, #FUT, #medicaltourismIndia, #hairsurgeon, #haircareclinic

Hair loss is a common problem affecting millions of people across the globe. There are different hair loss treatments of which the one which has gained immense popularity is Follicular Unit Extraction, which is a subcategory of the Follicular Unit Transplantation. The results of the FUE are great lasting for many years to come. An increasing number of people are choosing India as the destination for undergoing this procedure. The quality treatment, care and assistance provided by Indian doctors and their staff are second to none. Also, the cost of the plastic surgery procedures in India is comparatively low making it the most popular destination for medical tourism.

Even though FUE is relatively a new technique, it is the most preferred option among those suffering from hair loss. Most plastic surgeons specialising in hair transplant procedures recommend this method. The results are permanent and visually pleasing.

We bring you a few main benefits of FUE.

The Absence of a Linear Scar

This is one of the prime reasons why people opt for this treatment over other available methods. It is an ideal treatment choice for those who prefer to wear their hair short at the back because the donor site looks unaltered and unaffected.

Fast Healing

In comparison to other hair loss treatment methods, FUE needs a shorter healing span. Patients can recover in a few days since the technique does not involve the use of sutures or scalpel. Consequently, there are minimal limitations on strenuous physical activities in the initial few days after the procedure. Full recovery takes nearly seven to ten days.

Large Harvesting Area

FUE is one method that offers the potential of expansion of donor hair reserves. This especially stands true for patients who have high recipient demand and low donor hair supply. It is believed that additional grafts can be harvested on a patient who has depleted their donor using the FUT technique. In some situations, hair reserves of the donor can be expanded including the beard, abdomen and chest.

Minimal Post-Procedure Discomfort

The plastic surgeons take care of the comfort of the patient. The procedure is done under local anaesthesia just like the one used in dental procedures. You can drive home after the procedure. In case of discomfort, the doctor recommends mild analgesics. Moreover, because of the non-invasive nature of this treatment approach, the chances of developing infection afterwards are extremely low.

To know exactly what this method is all about and how it can help you get rid of the problem of hair loss, all you have to do is schedule an appointment with the plastic surgeon in India.

For more details visit: www.besthairtransplantdelhiindia.com

Hair Transplant Surgery - How Long It Takes To See The Hair Growth?

#HairLoss, #FUE, #FUT, #HairCare, #HairTreatment, PRP,  #HairClinic, #Delhi, #India, #HairRegrowth, #Mesotherapy

Hair Transplant Surgery can do wonders for those who are suffering from the problem of hair loss or baldness. The procedure aims at re-growing the lost hair. In recent years, it has emerged as one of the most effective and safe treatment to bring back hair on the scalp that too permanently.

When can you expect to get hair grow back after a hair transplant procedure?

If you are considering undergoing a Hair Transplant procedure, it is important for you to understand the process of hair re-growth properly. It is important to know that Hair Transplant is not a miracle. It will take time to witness the results. If the procedure is performed today then do not expect to see hair re-growth tomorrow. You should have the detailed information regarding the surgery including the post-surgery developments.

After the hair restoration is completed, the grafts that have been harvested and transplanted to the balding part endure some shock that makes them go into the resting stage. You will witness some hair shedding because of this temporary hair shedding. However, there is no need to worry as this is common after the transplant procedure.

The rate at which hair shedding occurs is different and varies from patient to patient. Starting from partial shedding to complete shedding, it can occur in any pattern. This phase of hair shedding starts three to four weeks after the procedure and can last till three to four months. Your hair transplant surgeon might prescribe some medication for hair shedding.

It takes nearly four months for the beginning of the development of the transplanted grafts. In the initial phases, the development may be thin because every graft might not develop at the same time. This is mainly because the distribution of the development cycle is random, and every hair is in the phase of development at a particular point of time.

It is about six months later that your hair starts becoming lengthier, strong and denser. Full development and growth of hair will take almost a year after the hair transplant surgery.

If you want to get the best and most effective results from the hair transplant surgery then India is a destination to be. You can easily find some of the leading and renowned Plastic Surgeons have experience and expertise in performing this procedure. Also, you do not have to worry about spending a whopping amount of your saving as the cost of the procedure is reasonable. Instead of living with the hair loss, you can now get rid of this problem by undergoing this surgery.

For more details visit: http://www.besthairtransplantdelhiindia.com

Four Tips to Choose the Hair Transplant Surgeon

#hairtransplant, #hairrestoration, #hairloss, #baldness, #scalpreductionsurgery, #FUE, #FUT, #medicaltourismIndia, #hairsurgeon, #haircareclinic

With the several options available on the World Wide Web, choosing the right hair transplant surgeon has become more difficult and challenging. With countless clinics offering hair transplant treatment, zeroing-in on one that best suits your requirements is no less than a challenge. To get the best results of the treatment, you should carefully choose the surgeon. Here are a few tips to help you select the best hair transplant surgeon in Delhi.

Credentials of the doctor

Given that the virtual world of the internet has become a boom, isn’t a good ides to use it to the fullest? Read about several doctors providing hair loss treatment in the national capital. Go through their reviews and feedback before making any decision. Hair transplant is a technique sensitive treatment that when performed by a surgeon with right skills would yield good results, else you might have a bitter experience.

Experience of the surgeon counts

The experience of the hair transplant surgeon you choose plays a vital role in his ability to handle several complications and cases. Remember that the experience of the doctor you chose should not be counted on basis of the years he has been in this field or on his age, but on the number of successful hair transplants he has performed so far.

Your first consultation

The fees you will be paying during first or initial consultation is nothing but a small amount of the large amount that would change your life. Hair restoration requires you to invest quite an amount of money. Thus, your initial appointments with the doctor are valuable as you will interact and understand the process and other related things.

The surgeon would perform a detailed assessment of your present hair condition, lifestyle and dietary habits and history of hair loss to give you detailed treatment requirement and changes required to prevent hair loss problem in future. Also, your treatment would be discussed in terms of procedural techniques and options. Do let your doctor know if you have any kind of allergies or reaction to medicines.


The cautiousness and approachability of the staff at the clinic goes a long way during not only the surgical procedure but also in post-treatment follow-up. A ready and happy staff shows the good nature of the doctor as well as the willingness to assist those who walks-in the clinic. Walking into a practice where staff knows their duties and roles indicate that the practice has been running well.

Hair transplant surgeons in India are known to provide the best treatment for hair loss. You can choose the surgeon keeping in mind the above mentioned points and get rid of the hair loss or baldness problem.

For more details visit: http://www.besthairtransplantdelhiindia.com/

Hair Transplant Surgery by Experienced Surgeons in Well Equipped Clinics

Hair Transplant Surgery in India

Hair transplant clinic can provide cosmetic surgical treatment for baldness. Bald head causes humiliation and embarrassment for men. There are many other remedies for hair loss. However their results may vary person to person. Most of the remedies can prevent hair loss however there are really very less chances to regrow the hairs that are already lost.

Hair transplant is a cosmetic surgical procedure in which own hairs of patient taken out from donor area are transplanted in the area that has less or no hair at all. Thus patients can have hairs in all areas of their heads in equal density.

Hair transplant surgery cost varies center to center. The overall cost depends on various factors such as expertise and experience of the surgeon performing the surgery, efficiency of his team, location of his clinic, charges for usage of equipment, medication for pain relief and some other factors.

You can book your appointment with Dr. Ajaya Kashyap Plastic Surgeon in South Delhi Contact Number – +91-9818369662.



Initially cosmetic surgeons prepare a plan to execute the surgery according to specific amount of lost hairs of every patient. Usually affected area would be the top central portion of head. Hairs grow in normal way on sides and back of the head. Surgeons use this fact and take out hairs from back of the head area which is known as donor area.

Surgeons dissect the scalp and take out a strip measuring between 15 to 25 centimeters depending on the bald area. They numb the donor area before making this dissection. The team of assistants make number of grafts by dividing this strip. In another method they shave some part of donor area and remove hair follicles one by one from there.

They make very small holes in the scalp of bald area using fine needle or a scalpel. Then they place the graft or hair follicles one in each hole. Thus patients will have hair in bald area in proportionate density with other parts of head.

Here Hair Transplant Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0fD4dg9GGzo


Get Opinion, Quote, Medical Visa Invitation and Assistance at Every Step of Your Treatment in India. You can send medical report at: info@besthairtransplantsurgeon.com or you can call us: +91-9818369662, 9958221983


Major Procedures for Hair Transplant Surgery


Hair transplant is a cosmetic surgical procedure for replacing patient’s own hair from a donor area to area where he has less or no hairs. This is a popular remedy for hair loss especially baldness that cosmetic surgeons perform according to amount of baldness in every patient.

The magnitude of hairs taken from donor area depends on the area that needs hairs transplanted on it.

You can book your appointment with Dr. Ajaya Kashyap Plastic Surgeon in South Delhi Contact Number – +91-9818369662.

Donor area: Usually own hairs of the patient are taken from back of the head. This is the area where hairs grow as usual. This area is referred to as donor area.

Bald area: This area needs hairs to be transplanted on it as there will be less or no hairs. This is usually central top portion of head of the patient.

There are two major procedures for hair transplant surgery already mention at www.besthairtransplantsurgeon.com :

FUE hair transplant: This procedure is known as Follicle Unit Extraction. In this process surgeons shave some part of donor area and pick hair follicles ideally one at a time. Hairs grow naturally within some days on the shaved area after the surgery. Later they numb the bald area and make tiny holes in it on regular distances using a sharp needle or scalpel. This forms the base for hair transplant. With the help of assistant surgeons they place one hair follicle in each hole systematically. Thus hairs are transplanted artificially where there are no hairs and patient would get a fuller head with hairs grown in all parts equally.

FUT hair transplant: This procedure is known as Follicle Unit Transplant. In this process surgeons take out a strip of upper layer of skin along with hairs from the donor area. They further dissect this strip in number of grafts. The length of strip taken out and grafts made depends on the bald area. The next process is almost similar. They make holes in bald area and place one graft in each hole. Thus hairs are transplanted on bald area of patients head.


Get Opinion, Quote, Medical Visa Invitation and Assistance at Every Step of Your Treatment in India. You can send medical report at: info@besthairtransplantsurgeon.com or you can call us: +91-9818369662, 9958221983