Best Hair Care Tips: KAS Medical Center


Best Hair Care Tips

A wonderful tip for your hair: Use tea to bring back some shine to your hair. Rinsing tea through your hair will bring back some of the shine to damaged hair. Brew the tea in the usual way, let it cool, and then use it as a final rinse after you have shampooed. Tea can change the colour hair, so be careful of the type of tea you use; if you have light hair, use chamomile tea and, if you have dark hair, you can use black tea.

The most important of steps to keeping your hair healthy is keeping it clean. And the product you choose needs to be right for you. Always keep them mild.

For dry hair: Choose one doesn’t further strip your hair of its natural oils.

For Oily hair: Choose one that works on limiting the activity of your oily scalp

Do use a clarifying shampoo every once in awhile or the product build up will effect the results that you shampoo has. Please remember that the shampoo is meant to clean your scalp and not condition your hair. Try not to over condition your hair, otherwise your hair will be flat. After shampooing, use only a drop of conditioner the size of a coin for one wash and rinse thoroughly.

Eggs work wonders on your hair. The yolk is rich in fat and proteins which greatly acts in moisturizing while the white helps to remove unwanted oils. Use egg to condition normal hair, egg yolks for dry hair and whites for oily hair. Remember to rinse with lukewarm water only!!!

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